In courses where writing is not rooted in the curriculum, it can be easy to overlook nurturing writing skills. There is also a tendency to assume that students have acquired or will acquire writing skills from their composition courses.

However, writing takes place in a variety of settings, many of which require unique conventions. 为了学生的全面发展, it is worthwhile to consider how writing can be effectively taught and nurtured beyond composition courses. This is to the benefit of the student, the University, and potentially, your field of study.

Utilizing writing in your classroom also provides a 一长串福利. Below are some helpful suggestions and resources for teaching writing in non-writing courses.


When assigning a writing project, it’s important to give your students tools to be successful. To ensure your students are able to develop their writing skills and turn in their best work, 你可以用例子, 模拟你的写作过程, scaffold your assignment and use peer review groups.

使用例子: Provide examples of what you are looking for. This helps students become familiar with the style and conventions of your discipline. It also allows them to visualize your expectations.

模型编写: Share your writing process with your students to provide clarity on how you develop a piece of writing. This may require you to brainstorm out loud. 通过建模,头脑风暴和处理, you will help your students understand your train of thought when it comes to writing assignments. Keep in mind that while modeling your process may help some students, 写作过程 每个作家都是独一无二的吗. What works for you won’t work for everyone.

完成你的作业: Scaffolding your assignments means using milestones to help students finish larger projects. These could be thesis statements, evidence collection and reflection, and working drafts. 在每个阶段一定要提供示例.  Scaffolds provide students the opportunity to 加入反馈 during the course of the project.

参与同行评议: Peer review activities are cornerstones of writing courses that can be incorporated into any course, 在任何部门, 在任何作业中. Peer feedback often happens in groups of two to four. 给 students guidelines on what to give each other feedback on; for example, 你想让学生检查格式吗? 具体细节的使用? 引用来源?

Encourage all members of the group to read each other’s papers, 做笔记, 然后参与讨论. This gives students an opportunity to point out issues, ask questions, and get clarification. 通过一次成功的同行评审, 学生将获得新的视角, 加入反馈, 挑战的想法, 完善他们的草稿, 和更多的! 点击这里了解更多关于同行评议的信息. Additional information about effective strategies for peer reviewing can be found here.

Each of these practices not only leads to better assignments in your class, but in all classes. This is because you’ll be developing and nurturing not only a writer, 但是一个批判性思考者, 还有创造性思维.


STEM writing typically adheres to a specific format. Keep the following considerations in mind when writing in scientific contexts:

  • Explain the purpose and features of the scientific writing format to students. 例如, explain that a lab report’s specific details about procedures are meant to allow a reader to replicate an experiment.
  • In addition to specifying that personal pronouns like I, me, 在科学写作中不使用, 解释了为什么.
  • Provide opportunities for students to see STEM writing that is simple and straightforward by providing examples.
  • 指出词汇的细微差别. 科学 use highly technical language that is rarely flexible. Help students understand the specifics of the vocabulary.
  • Show students how to present data and inferences. 解释说,, 在研究, 皇冠官网网站不写定语,而是, “The data suggests that x might be the case.”

By providing context and encouraging students to practice STEM writing best practices, you can help your students produce better STEM writing.


Resumes, cover letters, emails and memos all have their own specific conventions. Here’s how you can help students adopt stylistic practices for professional settings:

  • Encourage students to keep their language formal. Show them ways to avoid idioms, colloquialisms, and casual vernacular.
  • 指定目标受众. Paint a picture of who the students should imagine their reader is. Share what that person’s purpose and time frame for reading might be.
  • 使用合适的标题来展示.
  • Frame timing as a key driver for business, including writing. Encourage communication that respects the audience’s time.


〇卡耐基梅隆大学 How Can I Help Students Become Better Writers in the Discipline When I am Not a Writing Teacher?

北卡罗来纳大学 科学

“Scientific Writing: Strategies and Tools for Students and Advisors” 维卡什·辛格和菲利普·梅耶著

《皇冠体育官网》 博士. Kevin P. 李

《皇冠体育官网》 博士. Therese谢尔顿

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“商务写作简介” 博士. Kenneth G. 布朗和大卫·J. 巴顿

College of New Jersey School of Business – 写作指南

〇迈阿密大学 商务写作